乐谱名:Strangels, Hanine - Tears Of Tina Fountain Death
《Strangels, Hanine - Tears Of Tina Fountain Death》是由乐队Strangels演奏,Hanine演唱的一首歌曲。乐队来自法国巴黎,歌曲属于专辑《Tina''s Lament》中的一首。
这首歌曲是由乐队主要负责人Antoine T.编曲,Hanine填词创作的。创作灵感来源于一件真实的事件,2005年11月,一位名叫Tina Fountain的美国女子在去看电影的途中遭到了枪击,随后死亡。这件事件震惊了整个社会,特别是当时的法国,引发了一系列的抗议和讨论。
乐队的主要成员Antoine T.受到了这个事件的影响,特别是他的朋友Tina Fountain的离世,在创作这首歌曲时,他试图用音乐来表达自己对这个事件的悲痛和哀悼之情,同时也希望通过音乐来传达出对暴力和仇恨的反思和警示。
这首歌曲的吉他谱部分,是由Antoine T.在灵感迸发时所弹奏的。他试图用简单的旋律和柔和的节奏,来表达出悲痛和哀伤。Hanine在这首歌曲中的演唱也非常感人,她的歌声让人想起了温柔和美,同时也让人感受到深深的伤痛和悲痛。
歌词方面,这首歌曲主要表达了对Tina Fountain离世的哀悼和对暴力行为的反思和警示。歌词描述了一个平静的夜晚,一切都是那么美好和安静,但却因为一声枪响而瞬间变得沉寂和悲痛。歌曲在最后也提到了“爱和宽容”的重要性,这也是乐队想要通过音乐来传达的信息。
总之,《Strangels, Hanine - Tears Of Tina Fountain Death》是一首非常感人的歌曲,在音乐和歌词方面都充满了悲痛和哀伤。但同时,这首歌曲也在表达着对暴力和仇恨的反思和警示,希望人们都能够学会爱和宽容,避免悲剧再次发生。
It was a peaceful night, under the stars so bright
The world was so fine, a silent night sublime
But everything changed so fast, with a single shot that passed
A woman fell so quick, Tina''s time had gone, so quick
What could have made this man, feel the need to even stand
A gun in hand, a deadly stand
Oh Tina why? Oh Tina why?
You were gone so fast, and now we cry
And we cry, and we cry
For the beauty lost
And we cry, and we cry
For the life that''s been robbed
Oh why can''t we see the importance of love and of empathy
Why can''t we see the importance of friendship and of family
Love and learn, wherever we turn
And then maybe we will see
That when we practice what is preached, love and compassion will then spread
And we cry, and we cry
For the beauty lost
And we cry, and we cry
For the life that''s been robbed
Oh Tina we miss you so much, we miss you so much
You were gone so fast, and now we must trust
That we will see you again, someday my friend
Until then we will live, and learn to love again.
乐谱《Strangels, Hanine - Tears Of Tina Fountain Death》由琴友【终结者】上传分享,权益归制作者所有,