乐谱名:Mr Soul
歌手:Young Neil
Young Neil是加拿大歌手Neil Young的一个乐队,于1966年在加拿大Toronto成立。他们的音乐风格深受美国西海岸的民谣和摇滚乐的影响,同时也包含了一些摇滚乐、蓝调和乡村音乐的因素。其中,歌曲《Mr Soul》是Young Neil的代表作之一,因其激烈的吉他声而备受推崇。
《Mr Soul》最初是由Neil Young于1966年为自己的前乐队Buffalo Springfield创作,后来被Young Neil改编并收录在1969年的专辑《Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere》中。这首歌曲的创作背景可以追溯到60年代初期,当时Neil Young正在为Buffalo Springfield创作一首关于其在音乐界中角色定位的歌曲。
《Mr Soul》的灵感来源于Neil Young对于当时媒体的审视和观众对于音乐人角色的期望。他认为,音乐人们在舞台上扮演的角色往往并不是完全真实的,而是被赋予了某种形象或者标签。于是,他创作了这首歌曲,表达了对于这种观念的不满和反感。歌曲的歌词中有“嘶哑的声音、贫穷的街区、不同寻常的色彩”等元素,都是为了表现出音乐世界的真实和复杂性。
Oh, hello Mr. Soul, I dropped by to pick up a reason
For the thought that I caught that my head is the event of the season
Why in crowds just a trace of my face could seem so pleasin''
I''ll cop out to the change, but a stranger is putting the tease on
I was down on a frown when the messenger brought me a letter
I was raised by the praise of a fan who said I upset her
Any girl in the world could have easily known me better
She said, "You''re strange, but don''t change," and I let her
In a while will the smile on my face turn to plaster?
Stick around while the clown who is sick does the trick of disaster
For the race of my head and my face is moving much faster
Is it strange I should change? I don''t know, why don''t you ask her?
Is it strange I should change? I don''t know, why don''t you ask her?
乐谱《Mr Soul》由琴友【炽天使】上传分享,权益归制作者所有, 但最终的版权仍然是原曲作者或所属单位所有,如果您是原曲作者或所属单位你可以选择强制【