歌手:That Dog
That Dog是一个来自美国加州洛杉矶的乐队,成立于1991年。乐队成员包括女主唱、吉他手 Anna Waronker,贝斯手 Rachel Haden,以及姊姊 Petra Haden 和鼓手 Tony Maxwell。乐队的音乐风格融合了摇滚、流行、朋克等元素,深受乐迷喜爱。
《Raina》是That Dog的一首经典歌曲,收录在他们1997年发行的专辑《Retreat From The Sun》中。这张专辑是该乐队最成功的一张专辑,一经发行即赢得了极高的赞誉。《Raina》这首歌词动听、旋律优美,吉他旋律简单易学,因而备受吉他演奏者的喜爱。
据乐队成员介绍,这首歌的创作背景是来自女主唱 Anna Waronker 对她的好朋友 Raina 的思念。Raina 是 Anna 的一个好朋友,两人曾在一起度过美好的时光,然而因为某些原因,两人被迫分开,此后再也没有联络。Anna 决定写下这首歌来表达自己对 Raina 的思念和想念。
这首歌词抒发了歌手对 Raina 的思念之情,钢弦吉他和电吉他的旋律曲线优美,中缀着一些高难度的吉他技巧,非常有听感。歌词中体现了歌手对朋友的美好回忆,也充满着对未来的希望与期待。整首歌曲表达了歌手对好友的思念、对生活的期望以及对未来的美好愿景,让人感到十分温馨动听。
Raina, my sweet Raina
I haven''t thought of you since you went away
Raina, my lovely Raina
I haven''t thought of you since you went away
Winter there reminds me of things
It reminds me of things that use to be
Just because we''ve come to what seems like the end
I''m still pleased I knew you when
Raina, my sweet Raina
I haven''t thought of you since you went away
Raina, my lovely Raina
I haven''t thought of you since you went away
Spring time always reminds me of you
It reminds me of the things that we use to do
Even though we parted and went separate ways
I''m still pleased I knew you when
Raina, my sweet Raina
I haven''t thought of you since you went away
Raina, my lovely Raina
I haven''t thought of you since you went away
Even though things always came to an end
I''m still pleased I knew you then
I''m still pleased I knew you when
乐谱《Raina》由琴友【软萌可爱】上传分享,权益归制作者所有, 但最终的版权仍然是原曲作者或所属单位所有,如果您是原曲作者或所属单位你可以选择强制【