乐谱名:Last Order
歌手:Takeharu Ishimoto
Takeharu Ishimoto是一位来自日本的音乐家,他是一名作曲家、编曲家和吉他手,他创作的音乐涵盖了多个流派,包括摇滚、电子和古典等。
《Last Order》是Takeharu Ishimoto的一首代表作,它是由他所创作的带有电子风格的吉他曲。这首曲子被收录在富士电视台制作的电视剧《Last Order》的原声带中。该剧由荒木哲郎导演,是一部充满悬疑和动作的电视剧。
Takeharu Ishimoto创作《Last Order》的灵感来自于这部电视剧,他试图通过音乐来表达电视剧中所反映的主题和情感。这首曲子瞬间掀起了一股吉他演奏热潮,因为它的节奏感很强,吉他演奏难度也很大。
这首曲子让Takeharu Ishimoto在吉他演奏领域中崭露头角,吸引了许多年轻吉他手和音乐爱好者的注意。它的演奏难度让人望而却步,但是它的旋律和节奏感是非常吸引人的,这也是它成为经典的原因之一。
《Last Order》是Takeharu Ishimoto的代表作之一,这首曲子中展现出了他的音乐才华和独特的创作风格。 他通过这首曲子表达了电视剧中所反映的主题和情感,成为了经典的原声带之一。
以下是《Last Order》的歌词,歌词表达的是心灵的归属,向未来发展的信念。
"I''ve been walking down this road alone
With darkness surrounding me
But I keep on searching for my way home
With the light inside of me
I know that I can''t stop this pain
That''s been eating me alive
But I keep on moving through the rain
And I won''t let go of the fight
I know that I''ll find a way
To be who I am today
I''ll keep on fighting through the night
And I won''t let go of the light
I''ve been searching for my destiny
With every step I take
And I won''t stop till I''m where I need to be
With everything that''s at stake
I know that I can''t do this alone
But I''ll never give up the fight
With every breath I take I know
That I''m gonna make it right
I know that I''ll find a way
To be who I am today
I''ll keep on fighting through the night
And I won''t let go of the light
With every step I take
I know I''m getting close
To where my heart belongs
And what I need the most
I know that I''ll find a way
To be who I am today
I''ll keep on fighting through the night
And I won''t let go of the light"
乐谱《Last Order》由琴友【褪色的爱】上传分享,权益归制作者所有, 但最终的版权仍然是原曲作者或所属单位所有,如果您是原曲作者或所属单位你可以选择强制【