乐谱名:Faeries Glimmer In The Moonlight
歌手:Lesson Heavy
乐队名:Lesson Heavy
歌曲名:Faeries Glimmer In The Moonlight
歌曲所属专辑:《Mythical Journeys Through Endless Nights》
《Faeries Glimmer In The Moonlight》是美国摇滚乐队Lesson Heavy在专辑《Mythical Journeys Through Endless Nights》中的一首歌曲。该歌曲的创作背景和灵感来源于传说中的妖精世界。
在这首歌曲中,Lesson Heavy用生动的吉他声音、丰富的节奏和紧凑的旋律刻画了妖精王国的浪漫神秘之美。歌曲开始时,我们似乎看到了一片薄雾笼罩的森林,穿过林间小径,我们来到了妖精们居住的地方。歌曲中的吉他声仿佛在模拟着在这片隐秘的世界里的一切。同时,歌曲中的鼓点和贝斯声营造出瑰丽而诡异的氛围,给人一种如梦似幻的感觉。
在歌曲的歌词中,Lesson Heavy描绘了一个神奇而神秘的世界,那里充满了魔法和奇迹。整首歌曲用色彩鲜艳的词语描述了自然界和人类文明之间完美的交相辉映,强调了自然与人类之间的相互依存。歌曲的歌词加上美妙的吉他旋律,给人以无限遐想和想象空间。
In the mystic world of faeries
Silent creatures roam the night
Majestic beauty all around me
Glistening in the pale moonlight
Sparkling wings of silver flutter
Dancing in the forest air
Nature''s magic here upon us
Each and every forested lair
Faeries glimmer in the moonlight
Ethereal spirits so pure
Nature''s wonders all around us
We must cherish and ensure
Mystical creatures full of wonder
Wise old owls and frolicking deer
Nature''s gifts so free and precious
We should cherish them all; oh dear
Faeries glimmer in the moonlight
Ethereal spirits so pure
Nature''s wonders all around us
We must cherish and ensure
So let us tread with care and kindness
On this earth of ours so fine
For nature''s gifts are all around us
Let us cherish and resign
Faeries glimmer in the moonlight
Ethereal spirits so pure
Nature''s wonders all around us
We must cherish and ensure.
乐谱《Faeries Glimmer In The Moonlight》由琴友【醉凡尘】上传分享,权益归制作者所有, 但最终的版权仍然是原曲作者或所属单位所有,如果您是原曲作者或所属单位你可以选择强制【